Chancel Choir Meets Wednesdays at 6:00 PM
This year we have begun joint rehearsals with our worship band to focus on leading the congregation’s singing, along with performing the occasional special music piece. Anyone who likes to sing is welcome to join us – no matter your age or ability level! We usually meet from September through May.
Please use the Contact form on this website to reach out to our Director of Music & Arts, Sara Lehman.
Bell Choir Meets Thursdays at 6:30 PM
The CLC Bell Choir provides special music rung with English Hand Bells for worship services. Rehearsals are in the Sanctuary on Thursdays from 6:30 – 8:00, typically from late August through early June. The Bell Choir plays in worship about once a month.
The Bell Choir is always open to new ringers. If you’ve heard the bells and thought it looked like fun – it is; or if you ever had the desire to participate in the music program but don’t feel comfortable singing, the Bell Choir may be for you. Beginners are welcome!
Please contact Julie Draper using the Contact form on this website.