Stephen Ministry

Stephen Ministry is the care ministry of Community Lutheran Church.  Stephen Ministers are trained to help provide Christian care to members of our congregation and community. These skilled caregivers are equipped to bring Christ’s healing love to people who are grieving or experiencing any number of life’s losses and setbacks.

Here’s what people say about Stephen Ministry:

“I had never been able to open up to someone before and had always kept my feelings to myself. My Stephen Minister helped me to talk about the painful things, which opened the door for God’s healing.”

“All I can say is thank you. I was so overwhelmed I didn’t know where to begin. My Stephen Minister helped me sort through my challenges and regain my faith in God.”

“I was able to tell my Stephen Minister things I could never have told a friend. She never judged me or looked down on me. She just listened and cared. It was just what I needed.”

A Stephen Minister is a listening, caring, confidential person who can walk through tough times with you. Jesus calls us into community so we can worship together and also find strength from one another. We are commanded to love and care for each other as an extension of God’s love for us.

All you need to do to find this care and support is to contact Pastor Matt or one of our Stephen Ministry Leaders (Pat Weber or Brent Anderson) To do so please call the church office at (949) 858-0307 or use the Contact form on this website.