Our mission is to be a loving community where students come to know and walk with Christ.
It is our privilege to share God’s love, and together with parents, to build a spiritual foundation that lasts a lifetime.
Our vision is to be one in Christ through:
- Worship
- Christian friendship
- Service
- Growth as disciples
Sunday Worship
Children are always welcome in our worship services. The Kids Corner in the Sanctuary is available for coloring and quiet play, with children’s bulletins based on the day’s readings! A Cry Room for parents with infants is also available at the back of the sanctuary, if you need a separate space where you can still see and hear worship. Find the door immediately to your left as you leave the sanctuary.
Children’s Church (3 years to 5th grade)
Kids start worship with their families, and then come up front to hear a children’s message before heading out for Children’s Church. They return to worship before Communion. You are also always welcome to keep your kids with you in worship.
Nursery Care
Nursery care is available with trained and screened nursery workers to care for children 4 and under. As you leave the Sanctuary, turn left and follow the walkway all the way down to the classroom with the blue door in the education area of our campus. You may ask an usher to direct you.
Children’s Ministry
Jesus and Me (JAM)
1st-5th grade. JAM is a children’s program offered every other month on a Saturday from 5:00- 8:00 PM. See the calendar page for the next event!
Kids’ Night Out (KNO)
Preschool-Kindergarten. KNO is usually offered on the same night as JAM, about every other month on a Saturday from 5:00- 8:00 PM. See the calendar page for the next event!
Save the Date for upcoming summer programs!
Day Camp – June 23-27, 2025, 9:00 – 3:00. Join Camp Staff from LRCC (LRCChome.com) as they run a week of camp right on our church campus in RSM! Registration coming soon.
VBS – July 21-25, 2025, 9:00 – 12:00. Theme and registration coming soon!
See the videos below for examples of how much fun we’ve had in past years!
Day Camp 2022
Splash Camp 2022
VBS 2022